Marketing Automation: Best practise and feedback from customers

Marketing automation in customer loyalty platforms is the best way for you to secure a personalized communication – without having to lift a finger! Read more about best practices in marketing automation and what our customers think.


Best practices in marketing automation

Here are some tips, ideas, and best practices in e-commerce and retail marketing automation:

Set a strategy

Before you even start to set up your first marketing automation, you need to define what you are trying to accomplish and set a marketing automation strategy. One best practice in marketing automation to try is to draw a little tree of what it could look like when it’s complete. You might realize it’s way too intricate and needs to be split into several automation flows, or you might get inspired to add more and more to it.

Keep it organized  

Every day a lot of customers will go through your automation. Remember to keep track of how customers react to your communication. Automation workflows give you the opportunity to assign labels to your customers along the way, such as VIP, risk of churn, high CLV etc. This becomes another added bonus of your automation as you can create target groups based on the labels. You can then use these to, for example, target your social media campaigns towards or find a lookalike audience. Note! Don’t forget to remove labels once they’re no longer relevant. For example, someone labeled “risk of churn” should have their label removed after a purchase.

Read more: 10 examples of retail marketing automation

Switch up the channels

To get the most out of your automation, perform split tests, and test which channel performs the best. If you’re only using the marketing automation tool to send out emails, you’re not using it to its full potential.

Follow up on results

You can learn so much from working with marketing automation. Be sure to take it all in and analyze what they actually give you. For one, you will learn a lot about customers by working this way. Do they prefer SMS to email? Assign the label “Prefers SMS” and try only communicating through SMS messages with these customers for a while. What led to a purchase? It’s as important to follow up as it is to have a strategy. See what worked to better your strategy for the next automation.

Feedback from customers

“We must always begin by understanding our customers. Then design cross-channel experiences. Finally, start acting in real time. This requires the Marketing Department to improve its productivity. With Marketing Automation, we not only increase campaign productivity, but we also manage to streamline & personalize our customer communications – regardless of media.”

– Mona Adawi, Customer Retention Manager at Bubbleroom


“Marketing Automation helps us quickly and easily make the customer journey a long-lasting, sustainable and more personal meeting.”

– Richard Hunyadi at Nudie Jeans


”Automation streamlines our work and the communication with our members and provides a greater value from our invested time.”

– Amir Mofidi, E-commerce Director at LAGERHAUS AB


“The registration form has been great for us! This makes the registration flow fast, smooth and secure (GDPR), both for our customers and our colleagues who meet the customer at checkout. It has also helped us get complete contact information, incl. e-mail and mobile numbers, for ALL new members.”

“Since it can be difficult to identify customers who have only shown interest in one particular product, automation has been a great way for us to find these by assigning labels. Then we can easily pick them up in mail containing what we think they may be interested in and also follow up on whether they purchase the product/service they had shown an interest in.

“We have many products that either have a lot of information related to them or that need regular refills. For us, it works very well to set up automation that are triggered by a purchase where, for example, the customer receives an email with tips and advice on how to best relieve allergies or a reminder to restock when your supplements are running out.”

– Cecilia Öfverström at Apoteket

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