Voyado_shape-half-wpbg-coolstone4 Voyado_shape-half-wpbg-coolstone4
Voyado Elevate

Product recommendations

Product recommendations make shoppers more likely to complete their purchase, contributing to cross-sell and up-sell. Both product recommendations and email recommendations are based on real-time data.

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Product recommendations

Personalized in real-time

  • Real-time recommendations suggest products based on the collective interest of all your site visitors, as well as the unique visitor’s history.
  • Personal recommendations are based on what the current visitor has clicked or bought, on what other customers have bought, and on items currently in the cart.
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Product recommendations

Boost cross-sell and upsell

Product recommendations feeds the e-commerce site with alternatives and supplementary product recommendations to increase cross-sell and upsell.

The recommendations capability can be used omnichannel, for example in Email recommendations.

This is how product recommendation works

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Let your best-selling products inspire
These recommendations display real-time popular and trending products. They are suitable on the start page to welcome visitors, on category pages to show popular products for the specific category and on the No Results page.
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Tailor the offering to the customer
These are site-wide personalized recommendations based on individual behavior: products the user are looking at or considering. Use them on the homepage for store recognition, or show them on the No Results to keep them engaged.
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Push products at checkout
Don't miss out on the opportunity to upsell with accessories or add-ons suitable for the products already selected. Simply add recommendations based on the customer’s cart.
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Show products similar customers liked
Taking inspiration from people with similar tastes can really drive more purchases. Recommendations based on what similar customers bought can be used on product detail pages.

After launching our site with Elevate, we quickly saw conversion rate and average order value improvements.”

Anders Sundsrud, Head of SEO/CRO at Stormberg

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Voyado Elevate

Email recommendations

Email recommendations is a plug and play feature that uses unique behavioral data to give relevant product recommendations to your customers, increasing your conversion rate, CTR and revenue.

Plug & play

It’s easy to set up your campaign. Just add a platform-independent block of product recommendations to your email service provider’s templates.

This is how email recommendation works

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Always based on up-to-date stock levels
To get the freshest set of personalized products possible, we generate the recommendations when the user opens the email. No more "sold out" products.
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Personalize your newsletters
Boost relevance by including personalized product recommendations based on each user’s individual behavior, like products they have already viewed or bought.
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Include recommendations in transactional emails
Spur further engagement by adding a block of appealing recommendations in ‘order confirmation’ and ‘abandoned cart’ emails.
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Create segmented campaigns
Drive smart email recommendations that match seasonal and segmentation strategies. You can apply relevant filters to a product category or to price range, to match segment preferences.

Curious about product recommendations?

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