Voyado_shape-half-wpbg-warmstone1 Voyado_shape-half-wpbg-warmstone1
Voyado Engage

A customer data platform for personalization

The customer data platform (CDP) is the heart of Voyado Engage. Why? It’s where you collect and store all customer data, so you can understand them better and deliver personalized and relevant experiences.

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Market smarter with a customer data platform

A customer data platform (CDP) collects and unifies customer data to build a coherent and complete view of every customer. Suddenly, you can easily see who your best customers are – and those who need a bit of a boost.

  • Track customer behaviors
  • Get to know your customers
  • Use customer data to personalize marketing

How Voyado unifies customer data

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Multiple data points
Get a true 360° view of customers with data gathered from multiple touchpoints such as e-com, store and additional integrations.
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Personalized every time
Elevate every brand interaction by personalizing it using the data you have about each customer.
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Real-time segments
Segments update with new data in real-time so you know you are always reaching customers with the right information.
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Save time!
With all the data gathered in one place, your marketing team can use all the hours they saved cross-checking data for more productive activties.

How using customer data can benefit brands

more members
sales increase
City Gross
email open rate

”We see Voyado as the foundation for providing our customers with a more uniform and personalized experience in the future, thus creating more loyal and satisfied customers.”

Mikael Janerås, CSO at Stellar Equipment

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Boost sales with unified customer data

A CDP has the power to increase your sales through relevant and personalized customer experiences.

  • Collect multiple data points on the same customer
  • Avoid sending irrelevant, non-personalized communication
  • Create segments in real-time
  • Predict behavior and act on it
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How about these examples?

You could create a list of customers who switched addresses within the last 3 months – and send them recommended products they will need in a new home. You can use your segments for personalized emails, marketing automation, SMS marketing for e-commerce and retail, and social pushing towards Instagram, Facebook, and Google. There are no limits to how many segments you can create.

You can see a lot of information about your customers in the platform: everything from their latest purchase to their open and click rate and much more. This gives you the possibility to track changes in customer behavior and react quickly with different initiatives.

Curious about unifed customer data?

See more features

Inspiring guides

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On demand webinar: How to prepare for the return rush in January
How do you prepare for the return rush in January? In this webinar, you will learn how to prepare for the anticipated return rush and the upcoming year filled with returns by listening to the industry expert Markus Nordlund, Head of Sales from Easycom, and Ted Bergner, CTO from the Nordic outerwear retailer Stellar Equipment.
How do you prepare for the return rush in January? In this webinar, you will learn how to prepare for the anticipated return rush and the upcoming year filled with returns by listening to the industry expert Markus Nordlund, Head of Sales from Easycom, and Ted Bergner, CTO from the Nordic outerwear retailer Stellar Equipment.
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Boost customer engagement hero
Boost customer engagement
In this guide, you will find out how to use data to improve ROI on marketing, which 5 mistakes to avoid for Customer engagement success, which KPIs to track to engage existing customers and gain new ones and more.
In this guide, you will find out how to use data to improve ROI on marketing, which 5 mistakes to avoid for Customer engagement success, which KPIs to track to engage existing customers and gain new ones and more.
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