Frequently asked questions
How is Voyado different compared with other marketing automation systems?
– Voyado is a platform that focuses solely on retail and e-commerce businesses. The marketing automation feature contains pre-set triggers that are commonly used in e-commerce and retail, which makes it easy to get started. The building of workflows is also very intuitive with drag and drop functions and a clear overview of the journeys you build.
Can I build automations with A/B testing?
– Yes, you can! In Voyado, this function is called a randomized split. It allows you to try different versions of an SMS, or subject lines and email content. You can, of course, set it up so that the winning version goes out to everyone after a set period of time.
What about reporting?
– When a marketing automation flow is live in Voyado, you can see the stats live in the workflow. You will, for example, see the number of customers who have entered, how many who took a specific route, and see the opening and click-rate. You can also find reporting about certain workflows in our “Insight” feature in Voyado.
How important is marketing automation for retaining customers in e-commerce?
– It can play a very important role since you can create personalized customer journeys through marketing automation. And giving your customers personalized experiences is key when it comes to keeping them. Especially in such a competitive field as e-commerce.
Is it possible to build and customize ecommerce workflows entirely?
– Yes. In Voyado, you can set up entering criteria for any marketing automation workflow. So you can decide if the entering criteria should include only customers who made purchases online.