7 ways to prepare your e-commerce for Black Week 2024

With Black Week around the corner, it’s time to give your online store a little extra love. Shoppers will be searching for the best deals, so ensuring they can easily find what they want is crucial. From fine-tuning your site search to optimizing product recommendations, delivering a smooth shopping experience can make all the difference during this busy period.

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1. Keep your product feed fresh

The foundation of any great online shopping experience is up-to-date product information. Check your product feed and make sure it’s fully synced with your inventory, so customers know exactly what’s available. No one likes finding out their favorite item is out of stock halfway through checkout. Also worth checking if you want to schedule the product feed for specific product launched prior to Black Week.


2. Curate your black week product lineup

When Black Week hits, you’ll want to showcase products that are either irresistible deals or exclusive to the event. Take some time to think about which items to highlight, which discounts make sense, and how to present your products in the best possible light.

  • Feature key products: Boost the visibility of specific items by placing them front and center on your site or in search results. It’s also possible to schedule a booster of Black Week related products.
  • Offer exclusives: A few limited-time Black Week exclusives can give shoppers a reason to visit your store over others.
  • Refine product details: Ensure descriptions are clear and persuasive, and that images look professional and load quickly.


3. Get your site search working smarter

During Black Week, shoppers will likely search for terms like “Black Week deals” or “special offers.” Make sure your site’s search engine understands these phrases and leads people to the right products.

  • Search phrases: Ensure your search engine knows how to match typical Black Week keywords to relevant products. You might need to add extra fields or update your product data for this.
  • Dedicated landing pages: If possible, create pages that capture these search terms and showcase deals tied to them. If your system supports it, like Voyado Elevate, you can easily set up these pages by linking keywords to specific campaigns products to enrich the search reslut.


4. Fine-tune your marketing campaigns

The lead-up to Black Week is when your marketing should really shine. Take advantage of your CRM, email lists, and social media platforms to drive traffic and engagement.

  • Landing pages: Build dynamic, attention-grabbing pages that highlight your best offers.
  • Targeted emails: Segment your email lists so you can send more personalized offers to different groups of customers.
  • Social media ads: Hype up your deals through well-timed social media content and ads to boost engagement and traffic.
  • Urgency tactics: Consider using countdown timers, flash sales, or similar urgency-driven strategies to encourage quicker decisions and repeat visits.


5. Avoid last-minute website changes

It’s tempting to tweak your site as Black Week approaches, but it’s best to lock down any API or front-end changes well before the event. This reduces the risk of unexpected glitches that could interrupt the shopping experience when it matters most.


6. Test your website’s performance

Black Week is all about speed—both in terms of your website’s performance and how quickly shoppers can find and buy products. You’ll want to make sure your site can handle a surge in traffic without slowing down.

  • Speed matters: Run a few tests to check how fast your site loads under pressure. A slow site can lead to frustrated visitors who may leave without buying.
  • Mobile optimization: More shoppers are browsing and buying on their phones, so make sure your site works smoothly on all devices.
  • Core web vitals: Check that your site meets key web performance metrics, like load time and stability, for a seamless user experience.
  • Checkout: A smooth checkout process is essential. Make sure it’s easy to navigate and that it supports multiple payment options.


7. Coordinate with your tech team

Reach out to your support team early and share your traffic expectations for Black Week. This gives them the heads-up they need to scale resources ahead of time and help ensure your site runs without a hitch. If you want to do loading tests before Black Week – please contact our support.

Also, have emergency contact numbers on hand in case anything unexpected happens. Make sure your team knows who to reach out to, and save important contacts like your Customer Success Manager at Voyado!


Wrapping it up!

Black Week 2024 is a big opportunity to not only boost sales but also show off the ease and efficiency of your online shopping experience. By focusing on your product feed, site search, and overall performance, you can make sure your customers have a smooth and enjoyable time finding exactly what they’re looking for.

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