Why work with marketing automation strategies in e-commerce and retail?
It’s a pretty simple question to answer. Because marketing automation is a super effective way to enhance customer experiences and engage customers to make more purchases – both in-store and online. And the best part is that all you have to do is come up with the marketing automation strategies and set up the workflows. Then they’ll work for you 24/7.

5 smart marketing automation strategies
If you don’t plan out and set up strategies for your marketing automation, you’ll just fumble in the dark. So, let’s get into the actual strategies you can start working with. Here are 5 smart ones!
Abandoned cart
When you’re a strong e-com player this is one of the most effective automations you can work with. The customer who actively places products in their online shopping cart is obviously interested in buying them. But they might have been interrupted while shopping with you, or they just wanted to think through the purchase. When they get an email that reminds them of their abandoned cart, say 3 hours later – they get thrown back to the reason why they put the product in the cart in the first place. 50 % of all the customers who receive this kind of communication open it and 10% go back and finish the purchase!
Pro tip: Use this free abandoned email template to help you create a perfect abandoned email for better conversions – download it here.
Refill automation
If you work with for example make-up, vitamins, or hair products, do yourself a favor and create refill automation workflows. Set entering criteria for a customer who buys vitamin-D drops that last for 90 days. Set a time delay to say 70 or 75 days until an SMS goes out to the customer, reminding them that it’s time to buy new vitamin D’s! So simple but oh so effective. But don’t forget to double-check if they already bought a new one.

Re-activation and appreciation automation
Two flies in one bang here. You can work both proactively and appreciatively in your automations, by setting up churn score workflows. In Voyado, the churn score runs from 0-1.0 where 1.0 is a churning customer. We recommend you set up a re-activation workflow for all customers who reach 0.75 when they are on the edge. Re-activate them by sending inspiring and engaging content. Think about the channel you use for this workflow, since a customer who is about to churn might not open all your emails, try sending them an SMS! Or why not go old school and try postal?
You can also set up a workflow for all customers who reach a score between 0- 0.25, who are your most loyal customers! Throw them in a workflow where you send content that shows them an appreciation for choosing you!
Sell out inventory automation
We know you’ve been there. When you find yourself high in stock of a certain product and just want to figure out a way to sell more! Use marketing automation to actively promote that product to customers who purchase something similar! Let’s say you want to get rid of socks. First – set entering criteria for customers who buy underwear of any kind, or shoes and other accessories. Then you create content that promotes the socks! Add an offer in the automation too, it increases the chances of customers buying the socks.
Read more: How you set up marketing automation workflows

It’s not hard to work with marketing automation to grow both your online store and well as the physical store – it’s fun and rewarding when you’ve chosen the right platform and have a set of good strategies. We hope you got some inspiration from these examples, you can find more on the same note here: 10 examples of marketing automation
Good luck!