Voyado Engage

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

This SLA forms an integral part of the Agreement and governs our service level commitment for Voyado Engage.

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1. Scope of the Service Level Agreement

This SLA forms an integral and integrated part of the Agreement between Customer and Supplier and governs the Supplier’s service level commitment. The service levels herein are included free of charge in the Product. For additional service levels, please see our premium service level agreement.

The SLA is applicable on Incidents. For support, please see the Product Specific Terms regarding Essential Support or General Terms regarding Professional Services. The SLA does not apply to any functionality released as beta or pilots.

2. Definitions

In addition to the terms defined in the Agreement, the terms below shall have the ascribed definition for the purpose of this SLA.

Opening Hours” means Monday to Friday during 9am to 5pm (CET), excluding Swedish public holidays.

Incident” means a reproducible failure of the Product to substantially conform to the functions described in the Agreement.

Response Time” means the targeted time period within which Supplier shall use commercially reasonable efforts to contact Customer to acknowledge receipt of a Ticket.

Severity Level” means the severity levels 1-4 as defined below:

  • “Severity Level 1 – Critical” means an Incident where Customer’s production use of the Product is stopped or so severely impacted that the Customer cannot reasonably continue its business operations.
  • “Severity Level 2 – High” means an Incident where one or more important functions of the Product are unavailable with no acceptable fixes or work-arounds and there is a serious impact on the Customer’s business operations.
  • “Severity Level 3 – Normal” means an Incident where less significant functionality is unavailable and there are no reasonable fixes or work-arounds and impact on Customer’s business operations are minor.
  • “Severity Level 4 – Low” means that there is no impact on the actual functionality of the Product, only for example UX-experience.

Ticket” means a single Incident reported by a Superuser as described in this SLA.

3. Ticket Reporting and Response Times
3.1 Reporting

Subject to the terms in the Agreement, Supplier shall address all Incidents reported through Tickets.

A Ticket must be reported by a Superuser. The Customer may substitute Superusers from time to time by giving Supplier prior written notice thorugh it’s account manager contact. If the Superuser is not an employee of the Customer, the Superuser must be approved by the Supplier in writing.

Tickets shall be notified in-app, via web or e-mail by using the contact details below. For Severity Level 1 Incidents Customer must initially report the Incident via telephone, Customer may thereafter be asked to provide additional information via any of the other communication channels.

Contact information:

3.2 Required Information

All Tickets must, as applicable, include the following information:

  • Instructions that allow Supplier to reproduce an Incident which demonstrates the specific usage that causes the Incident.
  • Exact wording of all related error messages.
  • A detailed description of the Incident and results.
  • Steps taken to investigate the Incident.
  • Screenshots or recordings.
  • Name of Impacted area e-mail, report, automation, segmentation etc.
  • Potential impact for your business and any special circumstances surrounding the discovery of the Incident.

For Severity Level 1 Incidents we require that you provide an additional point of contact. Supplier may, if necessary, share the information above with relevant subcontractors.

3.3 Reporting and action plan

After receiving the Ticket, Supplier will establish whether there is an Incident for which the Service Level Agreement is applicable, and if so, shall:

  • Confirm receipt of the Incident and assign the Incident the appropriate Severity Level. Supplier may thereafter reclassify the Incident based on the current impact on the Product and business operations by notifying the Customer. If Supplier determines that the Ticket is in fact a support matter or a request for Customer Development, it will not be addressed under this SLA.
  • Based on the information provided by the Customer, analyze the Incident and verify the existence of the problem.
  • Provide the Customer with directions and assistance in order to resolve the Incident or question.
3.4 Response Time Target Service Levels
Severity Level Channel Response Target Update frequency
Critical Phone Immediate to

thirty (30) min

Continuous until resolved
High In-app, web, e-mail Four (4) hours Once per day or as needed
Normal In-app, web, e-mail Two (2) Business Days When resolved
Low In-app, web, e-mail Five (5) Business Days When resolved


Open and closed Tickets can be viewed in Explore help portal from an individual or organizational view, which can be determined in your account settings.

3.5 Customer’s obligations and requirements

Supplier’s obligation to provide the services are conditioned upon the following requirements being fulfilled by the Customer:

  • Customer’s payment of all applicable fees prior to the date the Ticket is reported and a valid Agreement.
  • Procuring, installing and maintaining all equipment necessary to access the Product.
  • Providing Supplier with the information described above and reasonable assistance, data and materials as necessary.
  • Providing correct contact information on Superusers.
  • Correct reporting in accordance with this SLA.

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Engage TIA